Friday, 26 August 2011

To What Extent Should Pakistani Parents Interfere In the Life of The Teenager?

        Most Pakistani teenagers are better than the western teenagers. Therefore, fear of drugs or any such filth is not found among them. However, Pakistani teenagers often intend to go off track especially at this crucial stage for two major reasons: Firstly abundance of freedom and secondly no accountability/ discipline of action.
This is where the parents come in... they need to keep a close watch on they kid, as to what he/she is doing. Keep a know-how on their friends circle. 
        Whenever they are permitted to go out for some occasion with friends to keep a "cirfue time". Not to restrict them, which will lead them to frustration instead set certain ground rules. Where both are mutually content with it and with both parties consent. And if broken for some unreasonable reason, to take action but not to treat them as prisoners instead as friends.
        This should not be the case in the relationship of a parent and a child they should talk to their parents in any and every situation. 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Can "True Love" Be Found Online???

              "True love" is something that cannot be found easily, at least not these days. In my dictionary "True love" is a connection between two hearts. Such a feeling in my opinion only takes place, when two people in person spend some quality time together. Where they not only share their thoughts and feelings, but also enjoy each others company. As the saying goes, " Marriages are made in Heaven." I also believe in this. If two people are meant to be together, surely no one in the world could separate them.
                However, people of this world have made this a joke. They have started various agencies and marriage bureau's and have created online sites as well, where the youngsters of today can find their "True Love". But many a times these kinds of strategies are a flop. It not only spoils families but also the lives of two individuals. "Online" I feel things are unknown, perhaps one party is serious but the other may not be as much, this causes a lot of emotional damage in the life of the individual, because the entire truth is not mentioned online.10 - 20% in todays time maybe the success ratio of such relationships. I therefore feel that such relationships cannot be found online because they is always a fear of betrayal.
"The best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other."

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Should Fiza Live Up to Her Dream???

              My teacher in the university narrated a true story to us about a young 17 year girl named Fiza.I would like to share her life experience with you readers. Her experience in life made me realize the blessings of my life, the opportunity that life offers me, to fulfill my dreams unlike many others around me. Yes "DREAMS" it is perhaps a small word but has vital importance in each one's life as if an individual's life depended on it. It did in Fiza's life and dreams have a great impact in my life too. 
Often for some reason fate does not permit us to fulfill our dream either in the shape of family, friends, lack of motivation and encouragement, being laughed at when unable to complete a task the first time or at times just appearance that becomes an obstruction between your dreams and you.How true is this many of us face this fact knowing or unknowinly in our daily life???  Isn't it???. 
        Here it begins... Fiza's mother is a cook, and her father a carpenter. His work isn't a very reliable one, whenever he is called he sets off to work. Her elder brother is studying in second year from a government college and works as a part time “Mechanic” as well, in the evenings. Due to shortage of money, the family often faces crisis and is mostly indulged in some argument or the other. Fiza is studying in first year. Apart from her studies she is immensely inspired by television artist and models as well. While she watches them act on television, her passion for acting and modeling arises. Since her own life lacks excitment according to her, she finds escape from her life in television. She now plans her future in the flim industry or even as a television anchor.
        “It is wonderful and an easy way to make  money“   she says....  All she has to do is give a few auditions and she will soon become a T.V star. Her parents are very worried about her. They realize that their immaturte, foolish girl is about to embark on a journey she is not equipped for. She is short in height, dark complexioned, ungroomed, a far cry from the glamorous girls who are from the industry.  She is unwilling to listen to any attempts to dissuade her. She thinks that she has great talent, waiting for discovery. J Here’s where I come in... I was asked to give her parents my piece of advice... This is what i told them and would like to shre it with you as well.
         “I believe that every individual has the freedom to dream, and to live up to that dream. Fiza is in her first year, which means she has the decerment power to chose between right and wrong for herself. Her thoughts for her family show her sense of responsibility towards them. If colour and height mattered, I doubt we would have any actor in the flim industry. Lets take the Indian flim industry for instance “Rani Mukerjee” is short in height yet has managed to pull a few strings and is auccessful so why not Fiza??? Being the 21st century makeup covers up every thing from a mole to a pimple. Well, my advice to you is that, give her try so that they is no room for regret. But on the contrary she is a little young and will require your guidance. Once she experiences this audition she will learn her destiny, at least she will not curse her parents at the end ot the day. Who knows her dreams might just come true.... And if for some reason she does not get through she can continue herself to her studies again.
         A teenagers mind is always at play, so until she will not get permission to audition, I believe she will develop resentment in her heart. I think regardless of her reality she should be given a chance to prove herself and her capabilities at least once. And why should we predict the future from now only and ruin the present??? “
            "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined."
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
Mark Twain